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Economic and Social Council 


The Economic and Social Council is one of the six main bodies of the United Nations. It serves as an important platform for countries around the globe, where they work together to tackle economic, social, and environmental problems.

Topic 1: Addressing income inequality and promoting social
welfare policies in LEDCs.

Topic 2: Combating Money Laundering Risk with an Emphasis
in Developing Countries.

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Samaira Singh 

Head Chair 

"Hey everyone I’m Samaira, a grade 11 student at HKIS and I’m super excited to be chairing ECOSOC with Mia at RENMUN this year.

I hope the topics we have chosen will give you guys the opportunity for some fun and exciting debate! See you soon 💖"

Mia Lee

Deputy Chair 

"Hi everyone! I'm Mia, a Y9/G8 student from Victoria Shanghai Academy (hence the VSAMUN sticker on my cheek). I'm extremely excited to be chairing ECOSOC with Samaira at this iteration of RENMUN! I'm thrilled to be part of this experience and I hope that delegates have a joyous time with us! (fun fact: this photo was taken in an ECOSOC committee AND I don't have bangs anymore.)"

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