Topic 1: Addressing the Continuation of the
Syrian Civil War.

Grace Lam
Head Chair
“Hi everyone! I’m Grace, a G10 / Y11 at Diocesan Girls’ School and I’m super excited to be chairing SC alongside Chloe at my 4th RENMUN! Outside of MUN, I enjoy debating and doing community service. Looking forward to the riveting debate that will no doubt ensue, see you all in March!”
Chloe Leung
Deputy Chair
“Hello! I’m Chloe Leung, a Y11 student from Island School. With the Security Council being my most popular council both as chair (x2) and delegate (x9), I am elated to find myself once again (4th time) on this campus in March. While nothing beats last year’s RENMUN-themed plushie bears (with blue hoodies, removable!), this iteration is sure to be X-ellent. I hope you look forward to (uh)S-Ceeing you bring our topic to life (Thanks TLDR News for the idea)! ”