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The Economic and Social Council is one of the six main bodies of the United Nations. It serves as an important platform for countries around the globe, where they work together to tackle economic, social, and environmental problems.

Economic and Social Council 


Topic 1: Discussing youth unemployment and its social influences on the tendency towards criminal activities.  

Topic 2: Addressing the root causes of human trafficking, with regard to economic vulnerability and opportunity

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Kal-el Chow

Head Chair 

“I had all my GA puns prepared, but that’s okay! Hey everyone, I’m Kal-el, a Year 11 student studying at Renaissance College. With my first conference being in ECOSOC, I’m thrilled to return as a chair (full circle moment!) In my free time, I enjoy catching up on needed sleep, looking for discounts on the McDonalds app, and occasionally going for a swim. See you all in March! (By the way, a much better theme would have been “X marks the spot”)”

Calista Cheung

Deputy Chair 

“Hi everybody! I’m Calista, a y10 student currently studying at RCHK, and I’m super excited to be chairing alongside Kal-el at this iteration of RENMUN. I look forward to meeting you all in March - see you then :)!”

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