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Topic 1: Discussing youth unemployment and its social influences on the tendency towards criminal activities.
Topic 2: Addressing the root causes of human trafficking, with regard to economic vulnerability and opportunity

Kal-el Chow
Head Chair
“I had all my GA puns prepared, but that’s okay! Hey everyone, I’m Kal-el, a Year 11 student studying at Renaissance College. With my first conference being in ECOSOC, I’m thrilled to return as a chair (full circle moment!) In my free time, I enjoy catching up on needed sleep, looking for discounts on the McDonalds app, and occasionally going for a swim. See you all in March! (By the way, a much better theme would have been “X marks the spot”)”
Calista Cheung
Deputy Chair
“Hi everybody! I’m Calista, a y10 student currently studying at RCHK, and I’m super excited to be chairing alongside Kal-el at this iteration of RENMUN. I look forward to meeting you all in March - see you then :)!”

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